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Option to not save all the random denoiser elements PLEASE!

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  • Option to not save all the random denoiser elements PLEASE!

    Hi Chaos group, I have asked for this many times and I think a lot of people agree.... can we PLEASE have an option in the denoiser settings to not add all the random elements that the denoiser creates? I just need the denoised image and the RGB! All these random elements (world positions, world normals etc) that nobody ever uses are making all our exr files massive!

    I understand that these elements are necessary for the denoiser to work but please give us the option to not have to save the damn things every time we save an exr.

    Nick Martin

    ScreenAge - 3D Visualisation

  • #2
    Advanced denoiser parameters rollout
    mode : Use "Hide Denoiser result channel"
    generate render elements : "Manual"

    This will add only 2 extra render elements(noiseLevel, defocusAmount).
    The denoised image will be in "effectsResult"


    • #3
      Will make a note to add an option to exclude the elements from the OpenEXR file, but on the whole, it's better to be safe than sorry in case you need to re-denoise later or use the standalone denoiser.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

Name:	fetch?photoid=963767.jpg
Views:	139
Size:	11.0 KB
ID:	999640

        As an alternative: such an option exists in psd-manager 4 which can save 32-bit PSD/PSB files. By default the extra Denoiser channels are excluded.

        Daniel Schmidt - Developer of psd-manager

