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  • Vrayoptionsre

    This is probably more of a question than a problem.
    At what point in time are render elements calculated and locked down from editing?
    I'm trying to write arbitrary data to vrayoptionsre's metadata on a per frame basis. I've tried using multiple different call back functions and I can see the values change in the metadata location when rendering a sequence however the new values are not saved into the exr. My thought (and I am hoping I am super wrong) is that the values in a render element are locked at the initialization of render.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    I did a test with using a pre-render call back to adjust vray z-depth information to rule out the values of a render element being locked by max and it worked perfectly. I have done these tests in 3ds max 2016 and max 2018 with vray 3.60.04. In 2016 if you have the render elements dialog open and watch the metadata text box you won't see the value change as frames are rendering. In 2018 you will see the information in the metadata update it just doesn't save to the file.


    • #3

      Currently VRay reads the metadata string only once. This happens before the preRender callback. The whole sequence will use this initial value. Any changes during rendering will be applied for the next sequence.

      Best Regards,
      Vasil Minkov
      V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


      • #4
        Thanks for the reply Vasil. That's really unfortunate, is there any chance of changing this in future release. It could be a great tool to allow TDs to pass information, like tracking information, to compositing tools

