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Next CPU IPR - Volume Grids Not Rendering?

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  • Next CPU IPR - Volume Grids Not Rendering?

    I'm running into a strange behavior in Next CPU for 3ds Max 2019 while using the IPR with Vray volume grids. For some reason they don't render at all in IPR mode, but if I do a full progressive render they show up fine. If I use Next GPU they render fine in IPR mode. Running Next Any ideas?


  • #2
    This is a current limitation of the CPU IPR - it doesn't support volumetrics (env fog too). You can switch the render mode of the volume grid to "volumetric geometry" as an workaround.

    It will be fixed in a future release. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    If it was that easy, it would have already been done

    Peter Matanov


    • #3
      What Peter said - updating the volmetric rendering structures for the CPU renderer is a bit involved and we are still working on it.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Hi, this hasn't been adresse yet or? I'm running into the same issue that VDB's don't show up in IPR, just in a full rendering.
        Stuff generated by Phoenix seems to show up in IPR though...

        Edit: I found a video for Maya where it seems to work in IPR. Is that something 3ds Max specific?
        Check out my FREE V-Ray Tutorials


        • #5
          Hey Jonas,

          Should be working with VDBs in IPR as well. Are there any errors in the log? Which version of V-Ray are you using?

          Does it happen with any VDB file or just with a specific one? Can you send over the scene so that we can take a look?

          Georgi Zhekov
          Phoenix Product Manager


          • #6
            Hi, indeed I just tested it in VRay 6 Update 1 (latest official version) and there it seems to be working. The project where it doesn't work has to be setup and rendered in an earlier V-Ray version (I believe V-Ray 6 Hotfix 2) and there it doesn't seem to work. So this functionality to render VDBs in IPR was added sometime inbetween Hotfix 2 and Update 1?
            Check out my FREE V-Ray Tutorials


            • #7
              Ah, yes - this is it. The support for IPR was added in V-Ray 6.00.20 hotfix 3. You can find the release notes here -

              In case you can't use the newer version due to the project being locked to an earlier one - if you have access to Phoenix 5.10, maybe you can use a Phoenix simulator instead of a VRayVolume grid to load the cache - this way the IPR should be working.

              Georgi Zhekov
              Phoenix Product Manager


              • #8
                Ok awesome, that explains it. Great that it is working now in the current versions
                Then I will try out the approach with Phoenix or just setup the scenes with the current version and save them down to the earlier version.
                Check out my FREE V-Ray Tutorials

