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Bump map not inverting

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  • Bump map not inverting

    The bitmap which feeds into the bump slot of a normal VRayMtl does not seem to be properly reversing if I either invert the bitmap within the VRay HDRI loader, or add a Color Correction node with invert selected, or even if I use a composite or a mask to swap/ mask against black.

    As an example, I used a simple checker node in the diffuse slot. When I swap the black and white colors within the checker node, the diffuse map correctly reverses. However, plugging this same checker node (or a bitmap) into the bump slot renders the same way no matter if I reverse or invert the colors.

    What is wrong?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1a checker colors diffuse.jpg
Views:	357
Size:	46.4 KB
ID:	1007129Click image for larger version

Name:	1b checker colors inverted diffuse.jpg
Views:	359
Size:	46.6 KB
ID:	1007130Click image for larger version

Name:	2a checker colors bump.jpg
Views:	349
Size:	41.2 KB
ID:	1007131Click image for larger version

Name:	2b checker colors inverted bump.jpg
Views:	356
Size:	41.2 KB
ID:	1007132