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Vray Next GPU render elements issues

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  • Vray Next GPU render elements issues

    Im working on animation witch I want to render with Vray GPU. Everything is ok except results in render passes when using SSS2 and HairMtl. I made simple scene and rendered passes in CPU and GPU mode. Please take a look at attached comparison and tell if its bug or im doing something wrong:

  • #2

    Thank you for your report. There are indeed the following issues with render elements in V-Ray GPU.
    *VRayLightSelect in Full mode is not rendered correctly in V-Ray GPU regarding objects shaded with VRayFastSSS2 material.
    *VRayHairMtl is not correct in some Render elements output with V-Ray GPU.
    These issues were reproduced and reported in our bug tracking system.

    About the VRayDiffuseFilter -it's only used in the back-to-beauty workflow to produce VRayLigting. For that it needs to be multiplied by VrayRawLighting to get there and currently V-Ray GPU does not support raw elements.
    This means that the VRayDiffuseFilter data is not really helpful at the moment for your GPU workflow even when output is correct.
    VRayDiffuseFilter by its own is irrelevant to VRayFastSSS2 material in the back-to-beauty workflow in general. The data for this material is only derrived from VRayFastSSS2 render element.
    This happens because the VRayRawLighting channel is black for this material (even with V-Ray Next) and it clears the VRayFastSSS2 material data received from VrayDiffuseFilter channel by design.

    The VRayObjectID render element is always calculated in mode Integer (no AA) in V-Ray GPU hence the "NO AA". This is a know behavior.
    I couldn't only reproduce the noisy green-red ObjectID artifacts, I'll need a scene or additional guides to ivestigate it further.


    Best regards,
    Margarita Stoeva |
    Chaos QA (V-Ray for 3ds Max)

