I need to re-render a project which was rendered 8bit up until now, as a 32bit image. The Result sould look very similar if not the same.
As I rendered it, it looked off balance and nothing like the 8bit image. Well that would not be much of a problem if it would be retouchable. But some areas are different in the image like the reflection in the lake.
Also, if I change the exposure most of my results just behave like an 8bit image would in that case. Only the EXR saved over the VFB starts to differentiate like an known 32bit would, except the Sky.
1. What am I doing completely wrong?
2. What is behaving wrong?
Used in scene:
Sperical 360 degree camera, Lighting mixed between VRay Lightdome with Hdri for PGSkies and VraySun, Sky in Dome and in Environment slot. The Hdri File to light the scene ist a perfect Hdri, like I would expect it to behave.
Rendered 32bit over 4 ways: Render output EXR, PsdManager Psd File in 32bit, as a VRay raw image file under the frame buffer Tab and manually over the VFB as EXR.
A few images to demonstrate what I am talking about:
This is the GOAL, like the 8bit Image:

This is the final RGB channel, when switched to 32bit Output:

This the Output as Render output EXR and PsdManager Psd File in 32bit, when the exposure is changed:

This is the Output saved over the VFB, when the exposure is changed in the same way like above:
The additional Information gets visible. The sky does not have anything at all.

I thank you guys for your reply, also because I am so used to render 8bit images and have never done a 32.
I need to re-render a project which was rendered 8bit up until now, as a 32bit image. The Result sould look very similar if not the same.
As I rendered it, it looked off balance and nothing like the 8bit image. Well that would not be much of a problem if it would be retouchable. But some areas are different in the image like the reflection in the lake.
Also, if I change the exposure most of my results just behave like an 8bit image would in that case. Only the EXR saved over the VFB starts to differentiate like an known 32bit would, except the Sky.
1. What am I doing completely wrong?
2. What is behaving wrong?
Used in scene:
Sperical 360 degree camera, Lighting mixed between VRay Lightdome with Hdri for PGSkies and VraySun, Sky in Dome and in Environment slot. The Hdri File to light the scene ist a perfect Hdri, like I would expect it to behave.
Rendered 32bit over 4 ways: Render output EXR, PsdManager Psd File in 32bit, as a VRay raw image file under the frame buffer Tab and manually over the VFB as EXR.
A few images to demonstrate what I am talking about:
This is the GOAL, like the 8bit Image:
This is the final RGB channel, when switched to 32bit Output:
This the Output as Render output EXR and PsdManager Psd File in 32bit, when the exposure is changed:
This is the Output saved over the VFB, when the exposure is changed in the same way like above:
The additional Information gets visible. The sky does not have anything at all.
I thank you guys for your reply, also because I am so used to render 8bit images and have never done a 32.