Hey there.
I´m working on a quite complex scene at the moment, with alle the good stuff: animated alembic meshes, 2 Phoenix Liquid grids, several forest packs, some vraydisplacement and some VrayfastSSS2 materials.
I´m also rendering with real motion blur, because of the liquid stuff.
I played around quite a bit to get acceptable rendertimes and got the frametime down to 1-2 h. but now some random frames render 10-20 hours. Checking the rendernode performance it seems to be a memory issue, since ram is full, but CPU almost idle.
I´m having a hard time figuring out how to troubleshoot this, since it only happens on some (seemingly) random frames and testrendering locally doesn´t yield any usable info to me.
Do you have any ideas what the memory issues could be and how to deal with them, or at least can give me a hint on to how to troubleshoot here?
I´m on Max 2019.2 and Vray 3.6.
The rendernodes have 64GB ram.
I´ve limited dynamic memory to 16GB and enabled embree and embree for motion blur and checked "conserve memory".
This just seems so random, I´ve rendered even more complex scenes without problems before...
I also already rebuilt the scene from scratch, because I had issues with max constantly crashing on submission.
I´m working on a quite complex scene at the moment, with alle the good stuff: animated alembic meshes, 2 Phoenix Liquid grids, several forest packs, some vraydisplacement and some VrayfastSSS2 materials.
I´m also rendering with real motion blur, because of the liquid stuff.
I played around quite a bit to get acceptable rendertimes and got the frametime down to 1-2 h. but now some random frames render 10-20 hours. Checking the rendernode performance it seems to be a memory issue, since ram is full, but CPU almost idle.
I´m having a hard time figuring out how to troubleshoot this, since it only happens on some (seemingly) random frames and testrendering locally doesn´t yield any usable info to me.
Do you have any ideas what the memory issues could be and how to deal with them, or at least can give me a hint on to how to troubleshoot here?
I´m on Max 2019.2 and Vray 3.6.
The rendernodes have 64GB ram.
I´ve limited dynamic memory to 16GB and enabled embree and embree for motion blur and checked "conserve memory".
This just seems so random, I´ve rendered even more complex scenes without problems before...
I also already rebuilt the scene from scratch, because I had issues with max constantly crashing on submission.