Hello Chaosgroup Team and Happy new Year.
If I check/unceck the ICC button the scenes stay dark.
Here is the demo scene from https://www.learnvray.com/demo/ultim...inter-3ds-max/
Another issue is the doubleclick on the Add button and Merge button in the Render Elements.
The first click nothing happens the second click open the Render Elements / Scene Menu.
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X / Nvidia RTX 2080Ti /3dsMax2019.3/ Vray Next 4.10.02
If I check/unceck the ICC button the scenes stay dark.
Here is the demo scene from https://www.learnvray.com/demo/ultim...inter-3ds-max/
Another issue is the doubleclick on the Add button and Merge button in the Render Elements.
The first click nothing happens the second click open the Render Elements / Scene Menu.
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X / Nvidia RTX 2080Ti /3dsMax2019.3/ Vray Next 4.10.02