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Light Select Element - Compositing causing hightlights to bleed out.

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  • Light Select Element - Compositing causing hightlights to bleed out.

    Hi Everyone,

    I cant seem to find anyone else on here with a similar problem... but its an issue we have always had.

    Whenever we render out a scene with the light groups separated and then try to recompose it together in Photoshop or an interactive, the final image is never the same. The lighting levels look 'blown out' compared to the beauty pass with all the lights switched on.

    All our images are rendered and saved as EXR, with each group of lights saved separately using Light Select elements, which are then screened on top of each other in Photoshop.

    Are we doing this incorrectly?

    this is the beauty pass, which is what we need to achieve once all the light groups are combined;

    and this is the same render but with Light Select elements screened in Photoshop;

    Have I used the wrong workflow for this - or is this a common problem.

    I really need to figure this out if possible, can anyone shed some 'light' on this pretty please?

    Thank you


    Chris Lane

  • #2
    Hi Chris,

    Can you give me the render output to give it a try here ? You can post a download link here or send it to
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi Tashko!

      I have saved the separate layers to a link and sent it to your email.

      Let me know how you get on mate.

      Thank you for looking into this for me


      • #4
        hi, have you already found the solution?
        Have you tried changing the mode in VrayLightSelect parameters?
        By default sets full mode, try direct lighting.
        I do not know if this will help you.
        Attached Files
        Dpto. Proyectos


        • #5
          Was there a solution to this?


          • #6
            Sorry i took so long to get back on this one - I did find a solution in the end actually.

            The problem occurs because of which ever compositing software you are using needs to be in a linear colour profile when screening the layers together. Photoshop doesn't appear to be able to do this... however, After Effects does!

            In After Effects / File / Project settings - you will find a Color tab - In there you can check the Linearize working space which seems to blend the layers correctly together.

            Hope this helps anyone with the same issue...

