Hi there,
Apologies if I've missed something but I reported multiple problems with render to texture quite a while ago to support (#455453, update 07/02/2019 raised on new ticket 761-538-581), and have not heard of, or been able to test fixes on any 3.x release, win7-10, 3ds 2015. And these look to still be an issue with 4/next too?
Would greatly appreciate if someone could take a look and let me know what's going on. And again, apologies in advance if I missed a response, or am doing this wrong, but these seem to be legitimate issues.
Issue 1: Normal requires re-saving [Think the upshot was this is an issue with max and out of the remit of v-ray... so feel free to dismiss?]
Gamma is applied to normal map output from render to texture when saving, however, it does actually appear to render correctly in frame buffer, the problem is this then gets saved with gamma applied incorrectly?
Also gamma override in the normal map file output seems to be ignored/reset, and is impossible to set en masse for when adding the normal element to multiple baking objects and multiple outputs.
Output saved (wrong) -> workaround re-saved in post (correct)

In addition, none of the normal map options in the projection mapping options from…
3ds>Rendering>Render To Texture / Projection Mapping [section] Options… [button]
… appear to apply to render element, possibly by design? [Swapping green/red directions etc.]
Workaround: Easiest to resave composited normal maps after getting them out from 3ds. However, possible confusion/duplication if normals are derived/re-produced in different manners due to other workaround issues (see below).
Desired fix: Do not apply gamma to normal map output tick box option. (Like color mapping.) Lesser issue but further normal settings from option button linking to the VRayNormalBump render output.
Issue 2: Opacity map issues [Believe was reported to dev - to the best of my knowledge remains unresolved?]
Opacity map not recognised as expected in render to texture.
Scene geometry, walls and a bent planes for a tree cut-outs:

Scene mapped with materials and rendered via camera with complete and normal bump render elements:

Render to texture results for a wall bake, whereby trees are projected onto rear wall - renders opacity map alpha through tree and also wall – shows just environment on transparent sections not the wall? In addition ‘stacking’ is impossible. Front most opacity appears to alpha through any subsequent masks.
Workaround: Have attempted use refraction for complete map + mask overlays for glossiness and reflections. Introduces another problem (see 3 below) light artefacts on intersecting refractive/non-refractive materials. No solution other than to render masks and composite with another pass that excludes normal pass from the baking projection.
Desired fix: all output types to obey/recognise opacity map when present.
Apologies if I've missed something but I reported multiple problems with render to texture quite a while ago to support (#455453, update 07/02/2019 raised on new ticket 761-538-581), and have not heard of, or been able to test fixes on any 3.x release, win7-10, 3ds 2015. And these look to still be an issue with 4/next too?
Would greatly appreciate if someone could take a look and let me know what's going on. And again, apologies in advance if I missed a response, or am doing this wrong, but these seem to be legitimate issues.
Issue 1: Normal requires re-saving [Think the upshot was this is an issue with max and out of the remit of v-ray... so feel free to dismiss?]
Gamma is applied to normal map output from render to texture when saving, however, it does actually appear to render correctly in frame buffer, the problem is this then gets saved with gamma applied incorrectly?
Also gamma override in the normal map file output seems to be ignored/reset, and is impossible to set en masse for when adding the normal element to multiple baking objects and multiple outputs.
Output saved (wrong) -> workaround re-saved in post (correct)
In addition, none of the normal map options in the projection mapping options from…
3ds>Rendering>Render To Texture / Projection Mapping [section] Options… [button]
… appear to apply to render element, possibly by design? [Swapping green/red directions etc.]
Workaround: Easiest to resave composited normal maps after getting them out from 3ds. However, possible confusion/duplication if normals are derived/re-produced in different manners due to other workaround issues (see below).
Desired fix: Do not apply gamma to normal map output tick box option. (Like color mapping.) Lesser issue but further normal settings from option button linking to the VRayNormalBump render output.
Issue 2: Opacity map issues [Believe was reported to dev - to the best of my knowledge remains unresolved?]
Opacity map not recognised as expected in render to texture.
Scene geometry, walls and a bent planes for a tree cut-outs:
Scene mapped with materials and rendered via camera with complete and normal bump render elements:
Render to texture results for a wall bake, whereby trees are projected onto rear wall - renders opacity map alpha through tree and also wall – shows just environment on transparent sections not the wall? In addition ‘stacking’ is impossible. Front most opacity appears to alpha through any subsequent masks.
Workaround: Have attempted use refraction for complete map + mask overlays for glossiness and reflections. Introduces another problem (see 3 below) light artefacts on intersecting refractive/non-refractive materials. No solution other than to render masks and composite with another pass that excludes normal pass from the baking projection.
Desired fix: all output types to obey/recognise opacity map when present.