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Lighting/GI render element bug when using Shadow Catcher/Matte Object? - VRay Next, Update 1

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  • Lighting/GI render element bug when using Shadow Catcher/Matte Object? - VRay Next, Update 1


    I think i found a bug in Vray Next, Update 1. Or have I missed a checkbox somewhere?

    So basically, my Lighting-pass gets all white and my GI-pass gets to bright when I set my ground plane to be a matte object/shadow catcher.

    It doesn't matter if I go through the Vray properties or use the VrayMtlWrapper. However, the GI-pass looks correct when using VrayMtlWrapper. But the Lighting-pass is still all white.

    Another thing i noticed is that if I open themax-file (3ds max 2017 Vray 3.60.03) in 3ds max 2019 (Vray Next, Update 1)everything works as it should. It doesn't work if I just merge it.

    So Next is grabbing som old settings from 3.60.03 and make it work like it should.

    Is this a bug or am I missing something?

    If it is a bug. Is there a workaround?
    The only workaround I can think of is to start a new 2019 scene. Open a 2017 vray 3.60.03 scene and start your project from there. (Or maybe just save a render-preset, haven't tried)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vray_next_lightningpassbug.jpg
Views:	269
Size:	912.0 KB
ID:	1027219

  • #2
    The problem should be gone with V-Ray Update 1.1 (4.10.02)


    • #3
      Originally posted by kosso_olli View Post
      The problem should be gone with V-Ray Update 1.1 (4.10.02)
      Yep. Update 1.1 fixed it!


