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Bug in region render VFB rescaling

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  • Bug in region render VFB rescaling

    There is a bug when resuming a .vrimg rendering. To check it yourself:

    Use a file from which you were rendering a region of a large image, saving as a .vrimg, and had only rendered a portion of that region.

    If you start a new session of 3dsmax (not just re-opening the file from your current session), if you click on the icon to open up the VFB, by default, the VFB is 640x480 in size. Your rendered region is highlighted in proportion to where the region would be if the image were rendered full size.

    Now load your .vrimg into the VFB - just as if you wanted to see the progress before you resume rendering it.

    The VFB will resize itself to be the large resolution that you were rendering. Your partially-completed render will show up. However, your rendered region red box will now show up smaller and proportionally scaled/ shrunk to the upper left corner.

    When you try to resume this rendering, V-Ray will give you an error that the region you are trying to render does not match the region of the saved/partial .vrimg.

    Thankfully this does not destroy your .vrimg, but it does force you to either reload the file, or close/restart 3dsmax to get a new session and reset the VFB.

    Could you fix this please?


    Click image for larger version

Name:	error_default VFB size and saved region_before loading a vrimg.JPG
Views:	418
Size:	48.6 KB
ID:	1029410Click image for larger version

Name:	error when loading a vrimg into vfb_makes 3ds switch sizes.JPG
Views:	386
Size:	61.7 KB
ID:	1029411

  • #2
    I could not reproduce the issue with the described steps. The render region indeed shows up smaller elsewhere, however, once you click render it returns to its original position.

    What version of V-Ray and 3ds Max are you using? Could you send us a sample scene together with the .vrimg file to for further investigation?
    Last edited by hermit.crab; 13-03-2019, 08:43 AM.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi Aleksandar,

      The email with supporting demo files is sent. The issue is repeatable but perhaps I did not state it perfectly before.

      1. An existing 3dsmax file with a resolution of 2k x 1k had a render region started. The render was saved as a vrimg file during rendering. While rendering the region, before it was completed, the rendering was STOPPED, not CANCELLED. The vrimg is saved and is fine as is. The 3dsmax session was closed.

      2. A new 3dsmax session was started. The VFB window was opened by using the icon. A black 640x480 VFB shows up with an empty red rectangle in relative proportion shown.
      3. Within the VFB, the vrimg is loaded by using the open folder icon in the VFB. The VFB resizes itself to the final rendering's proportions. The VFB shows the completed buckets. The VFB also moves/ relocates the red rectangle someplace else on the screen (perhaps leaving it where it was with a 640x480 in the upper left corner).
      4. Now the Vray render dialog box is opened. Then the Vray message window is opened. The render button is pressed on the render dialog box.
      5. Vray tries to render, but immediately gives an error message that the render size is different, and the rendering ends. That's the error/ bug to fix, basically caused by a user wanting to see the vrimg progress before completing the rendering.

      I'm using Vray 3.6 and 3dsmax 2018.

      Please ask again if this does not work for you.


      • #4
        Thanks for the provided files. I did a few tests and it seems the resumable rendering works as intended.

        A few things to note:

        -Make sure you save the 3ds max file prior to closing, in order to save the render region in the file (otherwise the render region would be different/missing, hence you would get the error).
        -Make sure that the output image name matches the name set in the original max session (just in case, otherwise it would create a new .vrimg file for resumable rendering).

        If the settings are correct, you would not need to load the .vrimg file in the VFB. Clicking render would automatically load the .vrimg and continue rendering.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          encountered that today as well. "region doesn't match the current one". is there a way to make region rendered vrimgs resumable to full frame renders?
          Marcin Piotrowski

