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Bug 01. If i use Specular map slot - Vrayrender overbrighted

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  • Bug 01. If i use Specular map slot - Vrayrender overbrighted

    We have a problem with using Vray. Version 1.46.15

    There is model with applied multi\sub- object material which consists of 2 materials (Standart material).
    Both materials have maps in Specular slot.
    The problem appears when we load the scene into the 3dmax and render.
    You can see the result on the screen 1(highlights is overbrighted).

    Next time I render the scene the result will be the same.
    I tried to fix this problem, the only way I found - to open material editor ,
    check this multi\sub- object material, or to assign another material to the object .
    After that the scene render is ok (see screen 02).

    There is no GI in the scene.

    Scene (max7)

    We apologize for bad english.

  • #2
    Thanks for the pointer; this will be corrected for the next release. Btw if you use a different shader (Blinn, for example) instead of Oren-Nayar-Blinn, it will be fine.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

