I'm having this problem with my render i can't seem to figure out, i'm getting all these black dots all over my render.
I'm using VraynextGPU, progressive (coz bucket just seems to hard crash max with this scene), the scene used to be redshift, but i replaced the materials, merged all the assets into a fresh scene and did a scene convert to make sure nothing RS was left
Furthermore there is environment fog in the scene and Ornatrix, but the dots appear even if i render the scene with everything hidden.
The dots become more numerous as the progressive rendering adds more passes, and only seems to appear with environment fog turned on.
It also appears when I switch off the GPU for rendering, but it doesn't seem to appear when i use vraynext instead of vraynextGPU
Anybody any ideas, this is a new one for me.
I'm having this problem with my render i can't seem to figure out, i'm getting all these black dots all over my render.
I'm using VraynextGPU, progressive (coz bucket just seems to hard crash max with this scene), the scene used to be redshift, but i replaced the materials, merged all the assets into a fresh scene and did a scene convert to make sure nothing RS was left
Furthermore there is environment fog in the scene and Ornatrix, but the dots appear even if i render the scene with everything hidden.
The dots become more numerous as the progressive rendering adds more passes, and only seems to appear with environment fog turned on.
It also appears when I switch off the GPU for rendering, but it doesn't seem to appear when i use vraynext instead of vraynextGPU
Anybody any ideas, this is a new one for me.