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VRay Standalone Element Paths

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  • VRay Standalone Element Paths

    Hi There,

    Is there a way to save render elements into a different folder to the main render output when using VRay Standalone? I've tried a whole bunch of different settings within Max before exporting the .vrscene but it does seem that no matter what I select, they always seem to end up next to the main RGB output. If I take a look in the .vrscene file in a text editor, I note that no paths are stored except the main output.

    Is this possible?


  • #2
    I also was searching for solution on this, but so far haven't found anything.


    • #3
      The "SettingsOutput" plugin in the .vrscene file has a parameter called "relements_separateFolders" which you can set to 1, in which case each render element will be saved to its own folder. There a two other relevant parameters called "relements_separate_rgba" and "relements_divider"; you can use the command-line tool "plgparams" to see what they do.

      The logic for the names of the folders is fixed and based on the name of each render element; there is no way to use the exact path settings per render element as specified in 3ds Max.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vlado View Post
        The "SettingsOutput" plugin in the .vrscene file has a parameter called "relements_separateFolders" which you can set to 1, in which case each render element will be saved to its own folder. There a two other relevant parameters called "relements_separate_rgba" and "relements_divider"; you can use the command-line tool "plgparams" to see what they do.

        The logic for the names of the folders is fixed and based on the name of each render element; there is no way to use the exact path settings per render element as specified in 3ds Max.

        Best regards,
        Thanks very much, Vlado - this is really helpful. Can the "relements_separateFolders" param be set from within Max before or during export, or will I have to open the file afterwards as ASCII and edit accordingly?


        • #5
          Originally posted by DanGrover View Post

          Thanks very much, Vlado - this is really helpful. Can the "relements_separateFolders" param be set from within Max before or during export, or will I have to open the file afterwards as ASCII and edit accordingly?
          To half answer my own question, and for the benefit on anyone googling and finding this, I didn't find a way to set it in Max - however, opening a text file (such as a .vrscene) in maxscript using the "a" mode (ie append) enables you to write to the end of the file without having to actually load the file. As such, you can append the following to the end and, even if the vrscene is huge, the write operation is very quick:

          SettingsOutput output_settings {
          It doesn't need to be in with the other "output_settings" it seems, so it's fine just going at the end of the file.


          • #6
            Hi guys, vlado i have issue with standalone RE as well. I have my setup in max, and it renders fine locally or on farm(deadline), but can`t get it to export the same to standalone render, or to edit the vrscene file manually to get it correct.
            The issue i have is that i want to save at the same time(just render once):

            A) Main beauty exr from 3d max common tab file/path
            B) V- ray raw image file output is used to save 32bit deep exr data(no render elements with deep , those deeps are all checked OFF in RE menus for each element)
            C) All the RE are instead being saved with saparate renders channels checked to separate folder.

            With this setup i render from max all works fine. I get my 3 different outputs with correct data. Beauty,Raw Deep Exr, and elements in folder. Great!

            But when the exported vrscene file is rendered with standalone, it will only save single raw file with deep and nothing else. It will not save any render elements to separate files. It will not create any folders. Setting relements_separateFolders=1; manually will be also ignored.

            It seems it`s all caused by the img_deepFile=1 and img_rawFile=1 writen in vrscene file output settings; , When both are set to 0, the render elements will be saved and folders created. But then i`ll have no raw/deep data.

            I was not able to find any solutions to this, i love to be able to get all these 3 outputs and only render once.

            thank you.


            Peter Sanitra -



            • #7
              Originally posted by psanitra View Post
              Hi guys, vlado i have issue with standalone RE as well...
              Hey psanitra did you had any luck with this, Im having the same issue?
              As I understood its not possible to render separate exr files of the render elements right?

