Hello all
Since few months i've notice that VFB display fonts in chinese...
I don't know why and it's a problem...
I'm working on an english 3Dsmax version of course, and didn't install Vray in chinese... or other...
I'm working also with RPmanager and i've think about it, but it's also in chinese when i'm launching the VFB directly from the toolTab....
If you've got an idea to resolve that problem, it should be great!
Since few months i've notice that VFB display fonts in chinese...
I don't know why and it's a problem...
I'm working on an english 3Dsmax version of course, and didn't install Vray in chinese... or other...
I'm working also with RPmanager and i've think about it, but it's also in chinese when i'm launching the VFB directly from the toolTab....
If you've got an idea to resolve that problem, it should be great!