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vray stuck on wrong camera while rendering

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  • vray stuck on wrong camera while rendering

    This is an old issue I have with vray. It happened with previous versions also. Now I am running update 2.
    The problem is that once in a while when trying to render a view, the vray renders the wrong camera. Sometimes the problem goes away if you try to render a few times different views.
    If that doesn't work I have to restart max or try to disable the VFB from the render settings and render with the default max frame buffer.
    The problem occurs despite the fact that the interactive preview displays the right view.
    Anny thoughts on this issue?
    pixel bender @ panoptikon

  • #2
    Are you by some chance using the teapot button in the VFB? That particular button renders the last rendered view.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Could be. I don't remember precisely if I did that or not. will wait and see if it happens again. Thanks for the pointer Aleksandar!
      pixel bender @ panoptikon


      • #4
        The behaviour you describe seems to be a typical "quick render" one.
        The F9 key, so to speak.
        It's been often the case it'd decide by itself which view it needed to quick render, unless the user locked the view in the global render settings.
        If you do so, the VFB (and IPR to boot!) will also obey that.
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


        • #5
          When it happens to me I usually unlock the view in the render settings window and then it goes back to the desired view.
          Vincent Jaramillo
          301 Battery Street
          San Francisco, Ca 94111

