I'm having a quite annoying bug with the Hair and Fur modifier with Vray.
My object has 3 different hair and Fur modifiers on it, with each a polygon selection. All have a quite high count of hairs and multistrands.
The problem is that the hair and fur modifier on top doesn't render correctly. Lots of hair missing !
If I Move the modifier from place in the stack, the upper modifier Always renders buggy. See pics
Scanline render renders all of the hair.
I recreated the problem in a simplified scene with one sphere. Same problem.
Updated Vray to the update 2 but the problem persists
1trick is to make several instances of e.g. the sphere for each modifier, but I would prefer not too.
Anyone encountered the same issue?
max 2019, vray next update2
Same problem with max 2020
Same problem with max 2020
Hair modifiers on test scene :
1: hairs 300k
seg. 10
renderpasses 2
multistrand 8
2: hairs 500k
seg. 15
renderpasses 4
renderpasses 4
multistrand 10
3: hairs 500k
3: hairs 500k
seg. 10
renderpasses 1
renderpasses 1
multistrand 2