I'm not seeing any difference with shutter efficiency set to 0.1 vs 1.0. I'm using the 3dsmax Physical Camera, rendering in Next GPU.
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Motion Blur Shutter Efficiency
Perhaps I'm wrong in my understanding of the effect?
From what I could gather, lowering the shutter efficiency should shift the intensity of motion blur towards the midpoint of the blur, creating a more natural gradient at the beginning and end of the blur. Currently I have sparks moving across frame and the motion blur has a very harsh beginning and end, being completely uniform in intensity across the entire blur.
Unfortunately the V-Ray for 3ds Max shutter efficiency setting is currently not supported in V-Ray GPU (or Chaos Cloud too). We've logged an issue about that in our system (VMAX-8930) and will post back when it is fixed. We'll also update the docs with that information.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
YavorYavor Rubenov
V-Ray for 3ds Max developer