I have a scene I'm working on where no matter what I try, I can't get the exposure to change in IPR. I'm using a VRayPhysicalCamera. When I use auto-exposure, I get a nice result, but then when I "transfer to camera" and try to use that setting, it's way too dark and no adjustments help to brighten it. As I understand it, the "Color & Exposure" Exposure checkbox needs to be active in order for VRay to recognize and utilize the exposure settings. Is this correct?
A secondary question is the Environment "Exposure Control" settings. I typically have it set to "no exposure control" as I prefer to use VRayPhysicialCamera's exposure controls. How is this separate system generally used?
A secondary question is the Environment "Exposure Control" settings. I typically have it set to "no exposure control" as I prefer to use VRayPhysicialCamera's exposure controls. How is this separate system generally used?