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Issues with Max 2020.2 update

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  • Issues with Max 2020.2 update

    I just updated to 2020.2 and I've noticed a couple issues:

    1.) VraySky no longer appears in viewport background if used as an environment map
    2.) Viewport IPR option is missing. Now a greyed-out message reads "Active Shade - Scanline Renderer not supported"

  • #2
    Hello! Is it V-Ray Next your current renderer?
    Last edited by tanya_to; 30-08-2019, 01:00 AM.
    Tanya Todorova


    • #3
      Viewport IPR seems to work correctly here:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	viewportIPR.png
Views:	815
Size:	151.4 KB
ID:	1046825

      If V-Ray Next/V-Ray GPU Next is not your current production renderer - then the menu is hidden.

      As for the VRaySky - it's a known issue and it was not working even before Update2 unfortunately.

      Best regards,
      Yavor Rubenov
      V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


      • #4
        Yes it's Vray Next update 2.1. Windows 10 latest update if that helps.

        Originally posted by yavor.rubenov View Post

        As for the VRaySky - it's a known issue and it was not working even before Update2 unfortunately.
        Ah, you're right. I knew that. 3ds Max defaults to having Environment BG turned on in the viewport now, that's what was making it look different. Sorry, disregard that part.


        • #5
          You could try to manually add the Viewport IPR menu like described here:

          Yavor Rubenov
          V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


          • #6
            Originally posted by yavor.rubenov View Post
            You could try to manually add the Viewport IPR menu like described here:

            Thanks or that idea, it let me figure out the actual problem: If you use a Workspace other than Default, the Vray IPR option disappears. I was using the Alt Menu workspace, and switching back to Default brought it back.

