Using the vray material displacement slot is having serious problems.

Scanline(no disp):

Vray with material displacement slot CHECKED, and global displacement ON:

Vray with material displacement slot UNCHECKED and global displacement

Vray with material displacement slot CHECKED or UNCHECKED and global displacement OFF:

Note: I stumbled accross this while I was trying to use multiple UVW map mods to controll the mapping of a multi-sub material. If displacement is on (as I want it to be) then the UVW mapping is being ignored for the map in the displacement slot.

Scanline(no disp):

Vray with material displacement slot CHECKED, and global displacement ON:

Vray with material displacement slot UNCHECKED and global displacement

Vray with material displacement slot CHECKED or UNCHECKED and global displacement OFF:

Note: I stumbled accross this while I was trying to use multiple UVW map mods to controll the mapping of a multi-sub material. If displacement is on (as I want it to be) then the UVW mapping is being ignored for the map in the displacement slot.