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VraySpawners not starting unless ran manually with administrative rights - windows error?

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  • VraySpawners not starting unless ran manually with administrative rights - windows error?

    Hello Chaosgroup
    after the newest window update and update to the lates NEXT, we started having problems with running Vray Spawner.
    Running spawner from a start menu simply doesnt work at all.
    We have to go all the way to the Vray folder, and run it from there.
    If we run it from that location, we have to run it as administrators otherwise it doesnt work either.
    Something must have changed either in Windows or in VRay with the way it handles rights.

    All aour computer users have administrative rights, we have UAC completely down, no firewalls, no anitiviruses.

    Yet, when we render through PULZE RENDER MANAGER which automatically runs spawners, we and up with the following error:

    Executing ""C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\3ds Max 2020\\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\\Users\\PIXELB~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\vraydum my2020.max ""
    *** ALERT! Could not start MAX/VIZ server: "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\3ds Max 2020\\3dsmax.exe". Error code: 740. Error string: Requested operation y�aduje zv��en� opr�vn�n�."
    Exiting our service due to errors"

    Does anyone know whats going on there???

    Thanks a lot for any lead!

  • #2
    No one from chaosgroup please?


    • #3
      Is UAC disabled from the registry? What's the output from the following command in CMD:
      reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\ /v EnableLUA
      If UAC is disabled only from the slider in Control Panel it's not really disabled, it just doesn't pop up with prompts. To disable it completely see this article.
      For the entry in the start menu - it's just a shortcut, if you start it as admin it should work too.
      For Pulze - I don't know how it starts the Spawner. If it uses some kind of client - try starting it as an admin.

      Ivan Slavchev


      Chaos Group

