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Light in AO

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  • Light in AO

    Hi Guys,

    i am having lights that made it´s way to the extratex/ambient occlusion renderelement.
    Lights are unfortunatly not in the Object class to Include/Exlude section (why not?).
    How can I block a light beeing part of an AO? It´s kind a pain, only to render everything a second time, only to have the light(s) then taken out of the AO Element.

    (would love having real renderlayer like Vray offers for Maya! )

    best regards,

  • #2

    There's a possible way to achieve that - all desired objects that need to have an AO should be added in both "Exclude" and "Result affect" lists of VRayDirt, but with "Include" mode selected. Thus all lights that are present in the scene will not be a part of the AO.

    Philip Shounev
    QA department


    • #3
      Hello Phillip,

      that solved it & thank you very much! =)

      Best, Kay

      PS: interestingly, somehow the light is back taken into acount - how ever that works - if the distribution value is higher - so like 10 or so - if I set it back, its 100% fine again Can that be replicated? (one of my Lights is intersecting one object)

      PSS: well... not really works. it does not matter what kind of distribution value you have. although decreasing the radius - as soon I come to the area, where my light stiks in the neighbor object, you see the gap. its now displayed without the affecting AO from the light itself,
      but you have the sharp border where the light is intersecting (when ive time, i can make screenshots) two cylinder, a little bit one after the other and the front one is gaining backreflection - so I moved a light so close under it, that it intersects the other cylinder wich I excluded from the light of course then ... get a rough picture?
      Last edited by caypiranha; 17-10-2019, 07:39 AM.


      • #4
        Hi again,

        Could you try if another approach would work in your case - try grouping the lights with some object (f.e. a dummy). The group, containing the desired lights, will be listed, so you'll be able to exclude it from the AO. If that doesn't resolve the issue, will it be possible to send over a scene along with a screenshot of the issue to ?

        Philip Shounev
        QA department


        • #5
          Hi Phillip,

          well, Dummy, Points etc. aren´t either listed in Include/Explude sections. Direct Grouping brings the group name in these List, but Lights inside this isn´t respected anyway. I´ll send a reduced scene (masterprops) to the Mail you send above.
          thanx in advance!


          • #6
            Hi Guys, you have any feedback on it? I sent you the Scene, so you can examine the problem directly.

            thank you in advance,


            • #7
              Thanks for the provided scene. You would need to enable the 'work with transparency' checkbox in the VRayDirt texture for the 'Invisible' option of the VRayLights to be taken into account. Quoting the technical documentation: "Enabling work with transparency will also respect the Invisible parameter of V-Ray lights, causing them to be excluded from the rendering calculations." With this option, you may skip the include/exclude workaround.
              Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                hi Aleks, many thanks for this hint! Since there isn´t a include/exclude workaround then at all, the fastest "one-checkbox" solution is so much welcome!
                cant test it now, but I´m sure youre right...

