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Cryptomatte Colors (Mattes) shifting

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  • Cryptomatte Colors (Mattes) shifting

    I'm having a strange issue with Cryptomattes being rendered with 3dsmax 2020 and the most current Vray NEXT GPU, then comped in Blackmagic Fusion Stuido 16.1. The colors of each object randomly change as the sequence is being played. So if I select some object mattes through the Cryptomatte, then play through the animation, the mattes will jump around through different objects as if the ids are changing for each frame. The sequence is being saved through the "V-Ray raw image file" option as an .exr without the "EXR 32-bit output" checked. I'm also rendering through Backburner over a network.

  • #2
    Have you tried opening the sequence in another cryptomatte reading software (i.e. Nuke, After Effects, etc.) and see if the issue is present there? If so, could you send a sample scene where the issue is present and the EXR sequence to so we can take a look?
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Have the same problem here, once a new object appears in the frame, all the channels shift. It happens in Fusion and After Effects. Tried turning 32bit on and off, render without the cpu etc. I also see it in the frame buffer during render. I now just render the Cryptomattes on the CPU separately (then it works fine).


      • #4
        damnengine Could you send a scene where the issue is present to so we can take a look?
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Apologies, I have been really busy. I can still send the scene if you want, but it seems that update 3 solved the issue. I noticed that the only scene where it happened was where I used the Itoo clone plugin.

