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GPU Denoiser

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  • GPU Denoiser

    V-Ray Next Update 3
    Can someone confirm that the denoiser works with GPU and the studio driver 441.28 ?

  • #2
    It does. What do you see at your end? Can you share a log/screenshot ? What GPUs are you using? Which denoiser?
    Alexander Soklev | Team Lead | V-Ray GPU


    • #3
      HI a7az0th
      I think i found it out.
      The denoiser works over 16 Samples on the GPU and over Max.subdivs 1 on the CPU. Here is the short Video
      My GPU is the 2080TI

      I also got OpenCL error.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	OpenCL.jpg
Views:	141
Size:	181.8 KB
ID:	1054139
      Last edited by Aino; 21-11-2019, 02:34 PM.


      • #4
        Hi Aino

        From what i see in the video, it seems that V-Ray GPU is set up in a weird way and that's what's causing the Denoising pass to not kick in. When you use a value of Max Samples that is equal to or lower than the value for Rays Per Pixel (you can find it in Perf. tab in the V-Ray settings) the denoiser indeed won't kick in, but this kind of settings are very strange. If you reduce the value for Rays Per Pixel, the denoiser will work.

        On the matter with OpenCL, this is strange... For some reason V-Ray cannot communicate with the driver about OpenCL devices.
        Could you please share a screenshot the GPU Device Selector?
        Open Start Menu -> Type "Select Devices for V-Ray GPU Rednering" and launch it
        Alexander Soklev | Team Lead | V-Ray GPU

