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Vray still calculates hidden objects

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  • Vray still calculates hidden objects

    I reported this a while ago, and it is not a big thing, but when you are doing rendering tests with only one object, and vray are still calculating subdivisions for hidden objects, this is a bit anoying.. (latest .15 versjon)


  • #2
    Hi !
    I do second that too !
    Hidden mesh objects in a max layer appeared to be calculated in the
    scene.The objects do not receive any subdivision or anything else.
    It is necessary to destroy them. Maybe a Max Problem.

    Another problem I wanted to speak about: in the Vray xx.15 version
    when I compute an Irradiance Map in a large resolution (about 1600x1280)in "high" preset on several computers with Vray distribution, it is sucessfull but Max crashes most of time.
    Nevertheless, the irradiance map is saved.

    Thank you


    • #3
      I'll agree, just to give this thread some weight and attention. I've noticed this with OnyxTree objects which become super-dense at rendertime. I always attributed it to the Tree Storm plugin. I guess Vray may be the culprit.

      It is annoying to have to plant my scenes and add roof tiles last because of this glitch.

      I remember doing some tests where turning the renderable property off allowed the object to be skipped over, but that is a pain.

      Vlado, can you confirm this?
      - Darrin -


      • #4
        This is a bug VRAY
        I create boxes 200x200x200 subdivs and copy instanses.
        I create 1 mlrd faces from this boxes.
        I create camera. Camera see ONLY one box all other back to camera.
        press render.
        Vray prepass hidden geometry and crash.

        I tested this scene in Mental ray 3.3 all ok
        Mental ray not prepass hidden(or geometry back camera) and render OK.

        Sorry my english


        • #5
          Hcafe. There is a big difference between geometry that is hidden in the scene and geometry that isn't visible in the camera view. Tbh, your test with mray concludes nothing. If you're calculating gi, should not objects behind the camera contribute to the solution, or should they not be seen in reflections? The fact that your scene crashes could be a million other things.
          Tom and the others are talking about geometry that has been hidden (by the user), and if that is still calculated, then that's bad.
          Signing out,


          • #6
            I deleted an earlier post on this thread where I posted a rendered image with everything turned off. It took 20-30 seconds to render nothing, and I only assumed that the render stats would account for the total time for preparing the geometry.

            Anyway... it is still a problem that I have to continually find work-arounds for and I'm wondering if Vlado is looking into this.

            Whenver I've heavily populated a scene with several dense objects (typically Onyx Trees), I can no longer quickly render isolated objects by hiding the rest of the scene. MAX continues to "Transform Vertices" for objects that are hidden. The only work around is to "save selected" and delete the offending objects.

            Can anyone offer some insight to this issue?
            - Darrin -


            • #7
              I've had that problem before, I believe I tracked it down to some linework imported into max. It was quite awhile ago, but i think it was linework I imported twice with the same names.
              Eric Boer


              • #8

                Not sure if this is the case on my end. I've done some testing and the best I can come up with is an incompabilty in the way the Tree Storm Plugin operates with Vray. Here's what I tried...

                create a new scene in MAX 7
                create rectangle - convert to mesh
                add one standard light - no shadows
                create one camera
                Add 4 unique Onyx Trees using the plugin

                Using Vray 1.47.03...

                Render> Transforms Vertices for about 12 seconds with no interactivity allowed for canceling
                Render time: 0:00:45

                *Hide 4 tree objects

                Render> Transforms Vertices for about 12 seconds
                Render time: 0:00:13

                *Unhide 4 tree objects

                Using Scanline Default...

                Render> Transforms Vertices for about 15 seconds
                Render time: 0:00:21

                *Hide 4 tree objects

                Render> Transforms Vertices 0 seconds
                Render time: 0:00:00

                *Unhide 4 tree objects
                *Toggle display of each Tree Storm object to full res and convert to Editable Mesh

                Render> Transforms Vertices for 0 seconds
                Render time: 0:00:09

                *Hide 4 tree objects

                Render> Transforms Vertices 0 seconds
                Render time: 0:00:00

                Using Vray...

                Render> Transforms Vertices for 0 seconds
                Render time: 0:00:33

                *Hide 4 tree objects

                Render> Transforms Vertices 0 seconds
                Render time: 0:00:01

                The scene totals about 1.1 million faces. Any thoughts...
                - Darrin -

