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VRayToonMtl Diffuse Ramp not working in Next 3.1/Max 2020

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  • VRayToonMtl Diffuse Ramp not working in Next 3.1/Max 2020

    Thought I'd try playing around with the toon material, I'm really surprised no one has gone crazy with this yet but having some issues.

    It worked in 2017 with Next 2.1 but changing to 2020 with Next 3.1 the Diffuse ramp doesn't seem to have any effect? I've attached the scene.


    Attached Files
    Freelance 3D Generalist

  • #2
    It seems to be working fine. Note that the Diffuse Ramp controls the diffuse color based on the amount of light received, so for the specific ramp colors to be seen you would need a specific lighting setup as well. GI also affects the object and will mix with the colors so take that into account if you wish to make a contrasting toon shader.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by aleksandar.hadzhiev View Post
      It seems to be working fine. Note that the Diffuse Ramp controls the diffuse color based on the amount of light received, so for the specific ramp colors to be seen you would need a specific lighting setup as well. GI also affects the object and will mix with the colors so take that into account if you wish to make a contrasting toon shader.
      Thanks for the reply. I understand what you're saying but I don't understand why they're so different. What result do you get with the scene file?

      Here is my result below in Next 3.1 + Max 2020:

      Here is my result below in Next 2.1 + Max 2017:

      Freelance 3D Generalist


      • #4
        I'm getting equivalent results (the grey screenshots) with the provided scene and both mentioned host platform and V-Ray versions. Are you certain the scenes you're rendering are the same?
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          I am having similar problems using Max 19 with Next 3.2. The VrayToonMtl seems to have no effect in the final render. Using new scene file with standard settings, a teapot and a vray sun. The object is not rendering with the high contrast shadows. Do you need specific render settings to see the toon effect?


          • #6
            Hi Uday.
            The answer is waiting for you at the Chaos Group Forum.

            Let us know if you have other issues to solve.

            Best Regards,

            Tsvetomira Girginova |
            3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us

