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Filtering issue of scaled image when doing IPR in the viewport?

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  • Filtering issue of scaled image when doing IPR in the viewport?

    Finally, since V-Ray Next I can use V-Ray GPU for 90% of my work, and the implementation in the viewport is a joy to work with, so kudos and thanks for that. It's especially great to quickly show our inhouse architechts what their buildings will look like and do quick sun positioning. However, I have a problem with jagged edges, which looks like a scaling issue. This only occurs when doing IPR in the viewport, both with V-Ray GPU and CPU.

    I remember a couple of years ago when working in Maya and the frame buffer wasn't zoomed at 100% it would present a similar problem, which I'm guessing is a filtering issue of the zoomed image. When I first encountered it in 3ds Max I thought it was related to my desktop being scaled to 125%, but even if I change it to 100% it's still there. I've also encountered it on two different systems, one being a laptop. I have however only been able to test it on Windows 10 machines, so that might be a culprit. So, any idea what's causing this and is there something I can do or is it up to Autodesk or you Chaos people?

  • #2
    Could you send the scene to so we can take a look? Mention your V-Ray and host platform versions in the e-mail along with a link to this thread.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thanks for the e-mail. Yes, indeed the culprit is, in fact, the Windows scaling. The scaling itself is controlled from 3ds max, so we can't do anything about it. However, there is a workaround. You can increase the viewport IPR's resolution with the following script:
      One is the default value, so increase it until it smooths out (it should get clamped to the native resolution after a certain point). Note that this may have an effect on the IPR's speed.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Originally posted by aleksandar.hadzhiev View Post
        Thanks for the e-mail. Yes, indeed the culprit is, in fact, the Windows scaling. The scaling itself is controlled from 3ds max, so we can't do anything about it. However, there is a workaround. You can increase the viewport IPR's resolution with the following script:
        One is the default value, so increase it until it smooths out (it should get clamped to the native resolution after a certain point). Note that this may have an effect on the IPR's speed.
        Thanks for the info! Yeah, hopefully Autodesk will fix this, but it will probably take a couple of years.

