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Alembic particles

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  • Alembic particles

    Hi guys,

    I've ran into a very specific problem trying to render alembic particles imported to Max.

    I'm using Vray 3.70.01

    I've dug trough the vray Help page and found out that i can import and render alembic particles via the vray mesh loader. But when I do that i only have the options to render either as points, or as spheres. Since I want to render those particles as instanced geometry, that method via vray mesh doesn't work for me. I tried Vray Instancer, but it doesn't recognize my vray mesh loader as a particles system. Is there any workaround or something that I'm missing so I can be able to render alembic particles as instanced geometry in Vray? Thanks in advance to everybody.


  • #2
    Currently, alembic particles cannot be used as a particle system in the VRayInstancer. However, we are working on improvements in that regard. Unfortunately, according to Autodesk, converting .abc particles to particle systems is not supported, so there may be no workaround at this point.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      thank you for the reply.

