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  • UNHADLED EXCEPTION: Updating Material

    Hi, we've been having some reccuring problem with rendering.
    It occurs on some scenes, on every working machine.
    It happens afte 2-4 renderings and ends almost always the same. First render goes well but after some changes in scene (always different) next 3drd, 4th render fails.
    We've chaged materials, bitmaps, bitmap's names and have tweak what we could.
    We can't figure out what could be the problem.

    Attaching some files from latest crash.

    Best Regards


    Attached Files

  • #2
    FYI, maybe il will help somebody.
    The problem is definitely related to CROP option in 3DMax.
    Region render works fine, but using crop from render setting in max, gives always error after few attempts.
    If there some workaroud please let me know.



    • #3
      For starters, update to the latest V-Ray for 3ds Max version and see if the issue is resolved. Afterward, check if you're running out of memory (Ram) via the Windows task manager. Also, take a look at this page in the technical documentation about this kind of error. Otherwise, it would be best to send the scene to, mentioning this thread in the e-mail. so we can take a look.
      Last edited by hermit.crab; 22-04-2020, 06:34 AM.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Hello, i'm having this exact problem and i think it's related to 3dsmax itself, not vray. This error occurs after rendering 2-3 times and is only resolved by restarting max and re-opening the scene. This is a huge issue for us, as most our scenes take 10+ minutes to open. Memory is not an issue here, as seen below.


        • #5

          This is a common reason for crash here aswell. Happens daily both at work and at home with multiple different setups. First we thought that it had something to do with Forest Pack, since it usually crashed when material library was opened after setting up a forest. The crash however happens even with clean install of max 2019 - 2020 with newest version of Vray. It does not occur when there is no bitmaps in the scene, so it probably has something to do with that. Vray crashes sometimes when render is started, but usually when material library is trying to render a preview of the bitmap. Though weirdly we have one machine at work that does not get any crashes at all, max or vray related.. No idea why - same versions etc installed. Any help would be appreciated!


          • #6
            When the crash happens Max should create a crash dump 3dsmax_minidump.dmp located in the temp folder (type %temp% in the windows explorer address bar). Can you attach a dump/send it to support ?
            Yavor Rubenov
            V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


            • #7
              Originally posted by yavor.rubenov View Post
              When the crash happens Max should create a crash dump 3dsmax_minidump.dmp located in the temp folder (type %temp% in the windows explorer address bar). Can you attach a dump/send it to support ?
              Vray material crash does not seem to create the minidump file, or write anything to vraylog.txt.. It closes 3dsmax immediately without any logs. Should I send the "regular" crash that also seems to have something to do with the bitmaps?


              • #8
                Yep send it.
                Yavor Rubenov
                V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


                • #9
                  We checked the dump file - it's caused by a bug that's already fixed in V-Ray 4.30.02 (Update 3.2). For anyone experiencing this - please update to that version.
                  Miroslav Ivanov
                  Chaos Cosmos

