I have an issue with VRayLightMTL intensity. Since the circumstances are like that I cannot use VRayLight - I have to use VRayLightMtl and the problem is that I cannot make it brighter at one point. I am using "compensate camera exposure", but even if I am using multiplier x100.000.000 - it looks like 10.
The object on the left has the light "on" with mult. 10
Here it is the same object and material, but with mult 100.000.000
You can see just slight increase in the brightness, definitely not x10.000.000 times more?
I am using irradiance map / lightcache, reinhard colormapping, here's material : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/...508_150125.png
I tried "direct" illumination and all the checkboxes - nothing changes. I tried to use the lightmtl from VRayMtl - it's the same.
So can you, please, explain how this works and why it works like this?
Thanks in advance!
I have an issue with VRayLightMTL intensity. Since the circumstances are like that I cannot use VRayLight - I have to use VRayLightMtl and the problem is that I cannot make it brighter at one point. I am using "compensate camera exposure", but even if I am using multiplier x100.000.000 - it looks like 10.
The object on the left has the light "on" with mult. 10
Here it is the same object and material, but with mult 100.000.000
You can see just slight increase in the brightness, definitely not x10.000.000 times more?
I am using irradiance map / lightcache, reinhard colormapping, here's material : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/...508_150125.png
I tried "direct" illumination and all the checkboxes - nothing changes. I tried to use the lightmtl from VRayMtl - it's the same.
So can you, please, explain how this works and why it works like this?
Thanks in advance!