I noticed strange behavior of reflections in this scene. Place in red circle shows edge of displaced carpet. it has to be reflected across whole middle box, but it ends before edge of box. Strangely reflection continues on the next box on the left. Both boxes are orthogonal, Chamferbox object as it can be seen in wire.

Image is rendered in VIZ R4, Vray 1.46.15
Material with strange reflection is Vraymtl with reflection 65,65,65 and color 5,4,2.
Did someone noticed this strange reflection on other projects ?
thanks, neoVISUAL
I noticed strange behavior of reflections in this scene. Place in red circle shows edge of displaced carpet. it has to be reflected across whole middle box, but it ends before edge of box. Strangely reflection continues on the next box on the left. Both boxes are orthogonal, Chamferbox object as it can be seen in wire.

Image is rendered in VIZ R4, Vray 1.46.15
Material with strange reflection is Vraymtl with reflection 65,65,65 and color 5,4,2.
Did someone noticed this strange reflection on other projects ?
thanks, neoVISUAL