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VRayLightMeter Crashes

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  • VRayLightMeter Crashes

    I am a lighting engineer and use the LightMeter daily for my interior scenes and I have notice this problem. I have let Autodesk know but thought since it is the VRayLightMeter I would let you know as well. This is what I sent.

    Problem: When i use the VRayLightMeter, everytime (Literally) i run a light analysis in my scene and am unaware/accidentally on an Active Layer that is turned "OFF" (even though my lightmeter is on a layer that is "ON" and click "Calculate" it will crash. Every time not just sometimes.

    1. Insert VRayLightMeter in scene.
    2. Make sure LightMeter is on a Layer that is "ON" but do not make it the "Active" layer.
    3. Select another layer to be Active and turn that "Active" layer "OFF".
    4. In the scene, select the lightmeter and on on the Modify panel click "Calculate"
    5. Max should crash instantly.
    6. This dose not happen if the "Active" layer is turned "ON" when you click "Calculate"

    I know now to double check to make sure i'm on an Active Layer that is "ON" before i run the calculation but sometimes I get into a groove and forget and Max crashes before i have saved.


  • #2
    Thanks for the detailed report. The crash is easily reproducible. It happens when the active layer is hidden regardless of the light meter's layer affiliation. I've logged it (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-10052) for developer analysis.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

