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VrayMtlWrapper- Matte Material Alpha Issue

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  • VrayMtlWrapper- Matte Material Alpha Issue

    I'm not sure if this issue was reported already, but I'm seeing a problem when using the VrayMtlWrapper as a matte surface. The issue is described in the image attached, I'm not sure if one of my settings can be causing this.

    As you can see the shadow I was supposed to get is very soft (almost look like Ambient Occlusion, but only the "Shadows" option I get this effect) but as you can see when applying the VrayMtlWrapper I get this weird hard shadow that is not even being cast by the light, since the objects are in shadow:

  • #2
    Can you backtrack if this really is a shadow, and if yes which light is causing it?
    Could you also set the reflection, refraction and GI amount in the matte properties to 0 in order to eliminate possible issues.
    Do you get the same issue if instead of a MaterialWrapper you define the matte object in the V-Ray object properties instead?
    Check out my FREE V-Ray Tutorials


    • #3
      Best you send the scene to so we can take a look. Mention this thread in the e-mail, along with your V-Ray and host platform versions.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Originally posted by JonasNöll View Post
        Can you backtrack if this really is a shadow, and if yes which light is causing it?
        Could you also set the reflection, refraction and GI amount in the matte properties to 0 in order to eliminate possible issues.
        Do you get the same issue if instead of a MaterialWrapper you define the matte object in the V-Ray object properties instead?
        Thanks Jonas, sorry got busy here but I will try these steps!

        I will post the results here.



        • #5
          Originally posted by aleksandar.hadzhiev View Post
          Best you send the scene to so we can take a look. Mention this thread in the e-mail, along with your V-Ray and host platform versions.
          Sounds good, I will prepare a smaller version of the scene.

          Thanks Aleksandar!


