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VRayDirt - any way to exclude transparent objects in GPU mode?

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  • VRayDirt - any way to exclude transparent objects in GPU mode?

    I've been using VRayDirts extensively to texture my models - but now I'm trying to place surface decals on the objects in question, and none of the options to exclude objects from consideration seem to work.
    "Work with transparency" is disabled.
    "Don't generate render elements" in vray properties on the decal object has no influence.
    Excluding the object in each VRayDirt does not work (a tedious test to do with like 40 dirt materials, but one I did try)
    "Consider this object only" *does* work, but breaks the interaction with *everything*, not just the decals.
    I really need to figure out some method of doing this, ideally in RTX/GPU mode.

  • #2
    I'm trying to get the window decals to not force dirt and grime behind them. :/
    Click image for larger version

Name:	unknown (2).jpg
Views:	506
Size:	213.1 KB
ID:	1075696


    • #3
      Could you strip down the scene, by leaving the glass only, and send it to so we can take a look? Mention this thread in the e-mail along with your V-Ray and host platform versions.
      Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us


      • #4
        Reported to support. Ticket #307-345-0816


        • #5
          Thanks for the provided scene. If I understood correctly, you would like to disable the VRayDirt effect caused by the decals through exclusion. Usually, the "Result affect" should do precisely that, however, it is not yet supported on the GPU (this goes for "Exclude" as well). We do have these features requests logged (internal bug-tracker id: VGPU-3756, VGPU-504), which I'll bump additionally.
          You may try mapping the decals on another channel of the geometry's UVs, rather than using a separate object. Use them to texture the coat of a VRayBlendMtl (which base material holds the VRayDirt-textured shaders) while masking the coat with the newly created mapping's alpha (bake to texture).
          Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            Thanks for the response! So, ...sort of, I'd ideally like the "don't generate render elements" option in the Vray properties to work to keep decals ignored by *all* dirt maps, without having to go through each one and add an exclude list. When you've got 40ish dirt materials, that turns laborous very quickly. Unfortunately in this situation, the map to 2nd uv channel of the base object won't work either, since the object has a ton of like hull plates that the window decals are covering the gaps of. if I mapped to the 2nd channel, those gaps would all still be visible.
            I'm hopeful this can get fixed/supported soon.
            Thanks, again!


            • #7
              Any movement or solution on this one? It's still plaguing me. :/ The 2nd UVchannel option won't work for *other* reasons.


              • #8
                Not quite yet. I gave a shout to the development team about the issue on your behalf, however, we cannot provide a specific timeframe in which the issue will be fixed.
                Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                • #9
                  Oh, that's okay. I really appreciate it all the same!


                  • #10
                    Is there any movement on this? Thanks!


                    • #11
                      Hey HowardDay

                      I will take a look into both requests and update you soon

                      Muhammed Hamed
                      V-Ray GPU product specialist



                      • #12
                        Hello again HowardDay

                        'don't generate render elements" is a complex task, it is been discussed with the team before and they will get to it at some point, the priority is escalated for some time now, I will tag you here when I have an update.
                        This fix will be helpful for a bunch of other things, maybe if 'exclude' in the dirt texture is less-time consuming we might push it first
                        And sorry about the late reply, it is been busy recently with update 2 released for various products

                        The OSL issue in the other thread is marked as solved.

                        Muhammed Hamed
                        V-Ray GPU product specialist


