I keep getting warning messages that pop up when I open the scene, or get a new material from the mat editor or add a forest pack object. I know this is not a Vray specific question but this is a new behavior since using Vray5. I just say OK to the warnings and they warning message box closes and then I move on. It's just annoying and usually have more than one warning to dismiss for these actions. Does anyone have any knowledge of how to keep Max form looking for these mental ray dll's when using vray?
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Missing mental ray dll warnings
Missing mental ray dll warnings
mark f.
Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10
Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAMTags: None
Use the scene converter which ships with max.
It's found under the render menu, and has 1-click functions to remove those attribs.Lele
Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos
The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.
Thank you Lele. I have tried using that and it doesn't seem to solve the issue(s). I have to say the converter is confusing to me. I should have mentioned my scene is an arch viz that uses two house imported from Revit. I think the Revit models are the source of these warning but not sure. I get the warnings when I create a Forest Pack object or get a new vray material from the material editor. On opening the scene I have to click OK to at least 12 of these warnings. None of this seems to affect the working and etc of the scene, it's just sort of a constant annoyance. Anyway I've tried a couple of things with the scene converter but it doesn't seem to change this behavior. Some screen grabs attached.
3 Photosmark f.
Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10
Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM
It looks like some of the stuff which is merged/referenced in has the attributes, rather than the main file itself.
We're investigating our side as well, mind you.Lele
Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos
The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.
Cool. If you find anything please let me know. My 3DS max is set to open with vray by default. If I click on a vray material in the material editor, then I get those missing mr dll warning messages. I click OK to them and them I get the new vray material and it all work s as should - except for having to Ok those missing mr dll messages.mark f.
Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10
Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM
Does this happen on an empty scene? (i ask as it doesn't happen here.)
If it only happens with a forestpro scene, perhaps it's their files which need cleaning.Lele
Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos
The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.
Lele, it doesn't seem to happen on an empty scene. Maybe it is FP or possible something to do with all the materials that came across with the revit import. Thanks for folowing up!mark f.
Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10
Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM
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There should be no need to "convert" as such.
The converter should allow for direct cleaning (it does at least in 2021).
Would you send me a scene (or piece thereof) which crashes the conversion, regardless?Lele
Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos
The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.
Originally posted by ^Lele^ View PostWould you send me a scene (or piece thereof) which crashes the conversion, regardless?
However, we still have a problem with our .mat material library. When opening it in the 3dsMax material browser, we also get a warning. And when using any of the materials from the library, the errors carry over to the scene. But how do I clean up such a material library with around 200 materials?
Eh, the only way i can think of is to make a scene with a piece of geo per material, clean that, and then resave all materials to a new matlib.
Let me see if i can come up with some simple script to do that (at least the scene prepping, and the library saving).
Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos
The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.
Ok, this is actually easier than i thought.
Open max (i tried 2021. get a demo if the lower versions don't behave the same), open the scene converter (and leave it open), open the offending material library.
It becomes the current material library, the scene converter detects it, and allows you to clean it with one click.
Save your cleaned material library.
Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos
The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.
Originally posted by ^Lele^ View PostOk, this is actually easier than i thought.
Open max (i tried 2021. get a demo if the lower versions don't behave the same), open the scene converter (and leave it open), open the offending material library.
It becomes the current material library, the scene converter detects it, and allows you to clean it with one click.
Save your cleaned material library.
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In my case, I'm not sure which material library is causing this. I have two .mat librarys open in the material/map browser. The two are very simple and only have vray materials in them . I think my problem may be being caused by the scene materials that came in with the imported revit model.
I tried what you suggested and now when I choose "get material' from the mat editor I DO NOT get that missing mr dll warning. So that's cool. However when I opne the scene for the first time I still need to click OK on about 12 of those warning to get it to open. Once open everything seems good.
Thanks for your help!mark f.
Max 2025.2 | Vray 6 update 2.1 | Win 10
Core i7 6950 | GeForce RTX 2060 | 64 G RAM
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The scene converter has an option to automatically remove those attributes on file open/merge.
If you tick it on, the issues should go away after a while, i guess, by virtue of the auto-clean.Lele
Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos
The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.