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Vray 5 causing PC to Freeze/Lag

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  • Vray 5 causing PC to Freeze/Lag

    Been having problems for last weeks first i thought it was my hardware but not the case but when i do a couple of renders in Vray 5 on my 3990x after the last test render the entire PC freezes/lags and yes i have disable a few threads , i also noticed that the bucket splitting in vray 5 isn't working and this is happening on all my scenes

    so i went back vray next to test and seems to be work fine not causing pc to freeze and dynamic bucket splitting is working there so i find it a bit strange ?

  • #2
    Dynamic bucket splitting works fine for me and I don't get any freezes. Would it be possible to attach a scene here, however simple it maybe? There might be some setting somewhere that disables the bucket splitting.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      DO you have tyflow installed etc , well it a temple with moss on it scattering the moss via tyflow and the pieces are proxy meshes etc will try and archive it and wetransfer it ?
      the other day it froze on the simple product studio scene as well and to day vray 5 froze after every render

      the freezing/lag happen a couple of renders that the wierd part right?
      Last edited by mouton007; 22-06-2020, 12:31 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by mouton007 View Post right?
        Yes, this is correct, thanks! Btw can you tell me what is your hardware?

        Best regards,

        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Gigbyte TRX40 Desginare
          Threadripper 3990x
          128gig Gskill Ram
          1TB nmve ssd
          Coolermaster Warth Cooler

          3ds max 2020.3


          • #6
            The file is to big to upload to the Free Wetransfer


            • #7
              vlado JUst sent you the scene Via SendTransfer if some textures are missing thats normal because they arnt beaning used in the scene
              whats happening here its render fione for about lets say 2 test production renders and after the last test production one its makes the PC Freeze etc

