I am encountering an issue that I don't really understand. In one setup everything works as expected and in the other setup stuff gives me really unexpected results. Maybe someone could clear this up?

Setup 1-3: (Everything works like expected)
NO lights are used, just one very large sphere with a VRayLightMtl and a VRayBitmap and coordinate space 3dsMax Standard, so it uses the UV's of the sphere. Environment color set to green.
1: Sphere is visible to camaera
2: Sphere is invisible to camera and background shows through
3: Like 2 but enabled AbbeNumber Checkbox
Setup 4-6: (Unexpected results for me)
ONLY ONE VRayDomeLight is used with VRayBitmap and coordinate space set to spherical. Full dome enabled. Environment color set to green.
4: Light is Visible and affect all diffuse, spec, refl
5. Light is Invisible and affect all diffuse, spec, refl
6. Like 5 but enabled AbbeNumber Checkbox
- Why is the background color mixed into the refraction for 5 but not for 2?
- Why does everything fall apart completely when enabeling abbe for 6?
Having the same effects with 3.6 btw.
The shader is the diamond material from the V-Ray library
Btw, its a bit annoying that everything always freezes for like 15 seconds when enabling the abbe, it must have something to do with the new preview swatches as this issue doesnt exist in 3.6.
I am encountering an issue that I don't really understand. In one setup everything works as expected and in the other setup stuff gives me really unexpected results. Maybe someone could clear this up?
Setup 1-3: (Everything works like expected)
NO lights are used, just one very large sphere with a VRayLightMtl and a VRayBitmap and coordinate space 3dsMax Standard, so it uses the UV's of the sphere. Environment color set to green.
1: Sphere is visible to camaera
2: Sphere is invisible to camera and background shows through
3: Like 2 but enabled AbbeNumber Checkbox
Setup 4-6: (Unexpected results for me)
ONLY ONE VRayDomeLight is used with VRayBitmap and coordinate space set to spherical. Full dome enabled. Environment color set to green.
4: Light is Visible and affect all diffuse, spec, refl
5. Light is Invisible and affect all diffuse, spec, refl
6. Like 5 but enabled AbbeNumber Checkbox
- Why is the background color mixed into the refraction for 5 but not for 2?
- Why does everything fall apart completely when enabeling abbe for 6?
Having the same effects with 3.6 btw.
The shader is the diamond material from the V-Ray library

Btw, its a bit annoying that everything always freezes for like 15 seconds when enabling the abbe, it must have something to do with the new preview swatches as this issue doesnt exist in 3.6.