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Vray Light bug

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  • Vray Light bug

    When we turn on the shadow feature "store with irradience map" the light source is no longer reflected in the scene. It is like I turn on "invisible."

  • #2
    This is how it was coded to work... a vraylight with "store to irradiance map" will affect only the irradiance map calculation, but will be turned off for the final rendering.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Well I mainly use the "store with irradiance map" feature to get the rich softshadows, it would be a shame to have to sacrifice the specular highlight. What other solution do we have? Basically you are saying that by doing "store with irradiance map" we are doing a diffuse light only, but have no ability to make a specular light only light. I guess we could do it by placing a big old object out there for it to reflect. Seems a little off as a solution.


      • #4
        Well, computing hilights would still require tracing shadow rays and sampling the light, which kind of defeats the purpose of the "Store will irradiance map" option.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          I see what you are saying. Unfortunately there is still a problem of it being unpractical to the user. Store with irradiance map is a huge advantage for area lights and areas shadows. Sacrificing the the reflection (hightlight/specular) is a disadvantage. While there is a solution (create and object that the scene can reflect in place of the light), it seems counter productive. But I would have to say I have done worse hacks in other packages, so it is all relative.

