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Vray bug

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Arch.Hany View Post
    ^Lele^ it will not
    and i think what you said doesn't make sense
    It does, it's always been like this, and testing before writing here confirmed it.

    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


    • #17
      Arch.Hany i have a bug, id like to know if its gonna be fixed, i wont tell what it is.......amusing.....but that depends on everyones looks more like trolling to me what youre showing so far. Youre wasting everyones time, people who cared enough to open your already vague thread topice by not going directly to the point from the very beginning. Or perhaps this is a very peculiar sense of humor?


      • #18
        Amusing, somehow

        +1 close thraed


        • #19
          Arch.Hany , please, be more specific when reporting issues next time from the start - it will benefit all.

          There is an issue indeed, and I'll forward it to our developers. We'll keep in mind that you need it for V-Ray Next and we'll try porting the fix (when available) there if technically possible!
          I have logged the problem in our internal bug tracking system and you can check on its progress by contacting us and requesting status information about VMAX-10155.

          The issue presents itself with Consistent lighting elements being enabled (by default) in Render Setup > V-Ray tab > Global switches rollout.
          Write back if disabling this option in scenes with VRayAerialPerspective presents a doable workaround for you.

          Best regards,

          Margarita Stoeva |
          Chaos QA (V-Ray for 3ds Max)


          • #20
            ^Lele^ It does not, i really don't understand what business would reflection has to do with atmosphere RE

            here is the file so you can check yourself
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Arch.Hany; 17-07-2020, 04:54 AM.


            • #21
              Arch.Hany , thank you for the provided scene - it will be useful to our developers when working on the issue.
              Margarita Stoeva |
              Chaos QA (V-Ray for 3ds Max)


              • #22
                PIXELBOX_SRO i won't waste my time with you

                FritzBaass cheering for closing a thread reporting a bug instead of thanking me ...... wow thank you for helping the community
                did you guys even test the bug yourselves or relied in lele's answer

                Margarita.Stoeva i think i was very specific from the very start
                am not the one who spread the ( if )s and ( perhaps )s around the post
                until i got what i wanted from the very beginning
                Originally posted by slizer View Post
                If it's really a bug and if it's fixable and when we get to it - yes.
                anyway thanks for the workaround though ( only tested in vray 5 )

                i really wish you guys keep your word and fix it for NEXT users as well

                i attached a gift
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Arch.Hany; 17-07-2020, 05:03 AM.


                • #23
                  I really am finding it hard to reason why you would want to be so combative in this post and thus have others naturally responding with the comments seen here.
                  All you had to do is ask the simple question and to provide the scene to test the behaviour.
                  Instead you began with the weirdest ''I'll only tell you if you promise to fix it'' comment.
                  The devs are extremely helpful and go out of their way to help, as do all the others using the software.
                  There is sometimes a language translation issue, which makes stating your problem clearly really more helpful, without all the 'mystery'.
                  You're certainly not looking like making any friends with this particular approach, in my most humble opinion


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Arch.Hany View Post
                    or relied in lele's answer
                    Had you provided a scene to begin with, along with a coherent description of the issue, you'd have gotten the answers you wanted.

                    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                    • #25
                      I couldn't tell if this is a troll or legit at the start.
                      Terrible attitude indeed and credit to the ones who had the nerves to reply and offer help
                      You don't need to troll or pressure them into moving the fix to Next, if you have been around here for some time, you would know that you could make a request in a civilized manner.
                      I have more than 200-300 threads in Houdini's forums alone since beta last year, and +500 in GPU/Maya/Modo forums.. It all goes back to Chaos considering our feedback.

                      I didn't want to comment on this thread honestly, this is a waste of everyone's time
                      Muhammed Hamed
                      V-Ray GPU product specialist



                      • #26
                        ^Lele^ Margarita thankfully gave me the answer without posting the file nor further description about the issue.

                        So Please Stop blaming me
                        am not obligated to provide a Max file after all no one's paying me for it and it depends if i have time for that or not
                        I think you guys should stop taking people's time and effort for granted

                        BTW That bug ruined 2 days of my work and missed the deadline

                        And i want to make one thing clear
                        All the users reporting issues here ( your software's issues )
                        Are the ones helping you guys not the other way around

                        There must be paid software testers along the vray team
                        We are helping those guys for free

                        you should respect that
                        And if i for once asked for getting the fix in return for myself and the other NEXT users
                        you can't blame me nor think thats rude
                        I have all the right to do so

                        this attitude maybe could be legitimate if we were at the wishlist section but we're actually at the issues section
                        your software's issues not ours
                        Last edited by Arch.Hany; 18-07-2020, 04:58 AM.


                        • #27
                          I guess you “nailed it” this time. Ill stop by in couple of hours for more bedtime stories


                          • #28

                            Logic vacuum.


                            • #29
                              Forum - > Community section....

                              for personal requests just use support section (e-mail) and no one will start blaming


                              • #30
                                DmitriiP thanks man for the tip much appreciated
                                not like i care for the ones blaming

                                i just like posting here because its faster to get the answers and sometimes useful people actually help

