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Compact Material Editor Slow VRay 5

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  • Compact Material Editor Slow VRay 5

    Anyone else's compact material editor slow in VRay 5? Everything seems to be slow, moving between slots takes ages, opening textures, copying and pasting, going up and down the stack. Even worse when the material preview is open. It was not like this before VRay 5 so just wondered if anyone else has experienced a slow down, before I look at potential other causes?

  • #2
    Was like that for me on the beta
    I didnt update to official 5
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      That is good to know that I am not alone. A colleague of mine also experiences the same issues as well. We do have our viewport bitmaps set up to be quite high res which could be the cause.


      • #4
        having this issue badly - its so slow about 1-2s each thing i do in the compact mat editor
        its a fresh windows install, fresh max 2019 install andf current vray
        running on a 2990wx and 2080 with current studio drivers

        any ideas?


        • #5
          happens in both slate and compact, its like the preview is slowing it down
          any tips on how to fix this or a hotfix? its ultra slow to work with, even duplicating or mmaking new fresh vray mat slots taking ages

          have disabled all windows firewall stuff and reinstalled vray a few times as well


          • #6
            could it be to do with the 2990wx?
            i see some c4d vray users had faulty material editors with lots of cores


            • #7
              ok after some more searching i found this

              it looks like you cant use teh vray material editor preview as its faulty and needs to have 'native 3dmax'ticked in system settings

              is there a chance this could be fixed in next build for people on moachines with more cores?


              • #8
                Same here in both Material editors (Compact and Slate). Updated to Max2021.3 with no success, thought at first it could be a graphics driver problem (Quadro P4000 should be powerfull enough). The thing there is when I have the CME populated half with VRayMtl and the rest with Physical Materials the changing from slot to slot between VrayMtl is slow (up to 3 sec) and changing between Physical Material is lightning fast. .

                Update 21/05/06: Tried to solve the problem with vast computing power. Bought a new machine with Ryzen 9 5900x and Quadro P5000 (Quadro was used). PC Mark 10 says 7618 instead of 3113 for overall performance and 15700 instead of 2176 in the field of rendering/visualisation. But sadly, on the "Slow CME" front I have only little improvments. I think, it is twice as fast as before but this is also too slow! I´m stll on VRay5.1 because somebody reports a problem with Forest pack in 5.2.
                Last edited by 3d-laboratory; 06-05-2021, 01:21 AM.
                Workstation: Ryzen 9 5950x @ 4,20GHz 64 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P5000, Win10 Prof.<br>Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2990wx 64 GB RAM, Win 10 Prof. MAX 2025.2, VRay 6.2, ForestPack, RailClone, RichDirt, KStudio ProjectManager....

