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Adjust Registry TDR? - Crash on render end

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  • Adjust Registry TDR? - Crash on render end

    Hi Guys

    We've had some random scenes with VRay Next, Max 2021, latest ForestPack, that crash on render end (using CPU). It would crash before we get a chance to save the render. If we send these to render via Backburner, they render and save fine however.

    I seem to recall Redshift adjusts TDR during install (its been 2 years so it may be a totally different thing and not TDR).

    Does VRay make any adjustments to TDR, or it doesnt touch it?

    This came up again recently in conversation about Unreal, Substance etc.

    Is it worth manually adjusting the registry's default setting, up to maybe something like 60? Would that in any way influance VRay one way or another? We're mainly rendering with CPU, but thought maybe there's a alot going on in the VFB at render end and the graphics delay is a bit too long that likely?

    Here's an article about it on the Substance site:
    Last edited by Morne; 05-08-2020, 11:41 PM.
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    Firstly, it would be best to send the scene along with a dump file to to see what exactly causes the crash. Mention this thread in the e-mail. Do you have a denoiser activated (with hardware acceleration on) in the scene? This would be a link, where the timeout registry would come in play since it only concerns GPUs (the registry tells Windows how much time to wait until the GPU driver is considered unresponsive). On installation, V-Ray does modify the registry value to 8 seconds if the set value is lower; no modification is done if the value is higher. Note that it's okay to edit this registry, but perhaps it's better to look at the scene first.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

