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V-Ray 5 VFB not saving layer tree adjustments to .exr

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  • V-Ray 5 VFB not saving layer tree adjustments to .exr

    Hi All,

    I encountered a problem in my workflow. When rendering and adjusting an image in the V-Ray 5 VFB it does not save my color balance/exposure/hue/curves adjustments to .exr.
    I save the .exr by saving all image channels to a single file. In previous versions of V-Ray this just worked fine.

    Yesterday I tried the following workaround, but which I cannot reproduce at this time:
    First I saved out my rendered image to a .vrimg file. After that I cleared all channels in the VFB and reloaded the .vrimg file (it's not saving any layer presets in the .vrimg. anymore?). I also reloaded the layer tree preset and saved the image to an .exr (all channels to single file).
    When I open this in Photoshop using the EXR-io plugin (with standard settings) it just shows the layers without all the VFB adjustments. As mentioned, I cannot reproduce this anymore, is there anything I am missing here? I know it could work because it already did ..

    Thanks for any pointers!

    Greetings, Jakob.

  • #2
    Hi Pixual

    VFB2 should be able to bake color corrections into .exr files. Please do forward some screenshots or recordings that illustrate your issue so we can have a look.
    In regards to the .vrimg output, by default it should save the raw image data. However, if you wish, you can load a .vfbl preset and it should also be displayed (or saved as .exr afterwards, as you've described).
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Hi Nikoleta,

      I guess I found out what was going on myself. The display correction was set to 'none' instead of the 2.2 gamma value and I did my layer corrections according to this. A gamma correction in Photoshop of 0,4545 (1/2.2) did the trick for now.
      Thanks for getting back to me though!

      Greetings, Jakob.

