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Render crash

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  • Render crash

    My huge scene just started crashing for no reason yesterday.

    It is related to certian object or objects (people) - which I copied about 20 more around before it started.

    Renders about 1/2 the scene - after lightmap and IRR calculations.
    Always crashes around the same place.

    VRAY log shows 2 errors:

    [2005/May/13|15:38:30] error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Rendering region (0,192)-(64,256)
    Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\vray\vrender\src\vray.cpp, line 1334: VRay::getMaxBgColor()

    [2005/May/13|15:38:31] error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Rendering region (64,192)-(128,256)
    Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\vray\vrender\src\vraygeom.cpp, line 586: VRayObject::shade(), calling Mtl::Shade()


  • #2
    You might have crossed the memory barrier, what is the memory usage when it crashes?
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      memory or polygon limit? I seem to remember something about that 6 months ago on this project, when I copied too many people around.

      Memory usage.... 1.52GB

      Right - this time I got a new error message - but same place.


      • #4
        Well the polygon limit and the memory limit are pretty much the same thing, ultimately you are just running out of memory. 1.5-1.6 gigs is where windows will give up. You can get another gig if your using XP and enable the 3GB switch.
        Eric Boer


        • #5

          Damn, I had heard about this problem, but never "got it".

          Now I "get it".
          So what is the point of having 2-4gb of ram?!

          Hey! I AM on XP on that box. Please tell me how to switch (for the benefit of the forum archive).



          • #6
            The limit it per proccess, so if you had 4GB you could theoreticly render two scenes at the same time using up to 1.6 GB.

            To enable the 3GB switch just open up C:\\boot.ini in notepad. Copy the line under "operating systems" and add /3GB to the end of the top one. This way you will get a choice to choose with or without the switch incase it won't boot. Make sure there is a time set for the timeout so you have time to choose.

             [operating systems]
            multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional 3GB Switch" /fastdetect /3GB
            multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect
            Eric Boer


            • #7
              Thanks. Found the switches on Microsoft too.


              Uh... I don't have "boot.ini"...
              How to edit:

              Yes- what is this "in case it won't boot" business - saw some things about that in this forum. This machine is also my server - I don't want to mess it up.


              • #8
                various ways to do it, easiest is to show system files option otherwise goto system in control panel or right click my computer, goto advanced->startup and recovery settings.

                i have trouble using that switch, network related. I dunno why but the LOM just wont work proberly with it on. The dynamic memory option in vray system rollout is working wonders whenever i hit the barrier though.


                • #9
                  Dennis - tell me more about this.
                  What do you put in as limit? Your physical machine ram limit?


                  • #10
                    You have a boot.ini, in explorer go to "tools" "folder options" on the "View" tab look for "hidden files and folders" and check "Show hidden files and folders"

                    It can cause some issues but in my experience it works about 90% of the time but with the double entries it is easy to boot wityhout it and remove it if you have to.
                    Eric Boer


                    • #11
                      Yeah - they are showing - but it wasn't.... got to it the long way.

                      Looks like 3ds Max is crashing with the vray dynamic memory.

                      Ok - 90% land.


                      It isn't booting. Goes in a loop from startup to the menu with the 3gb option.


                      • #12
                        That sucks, you are the 10%. Microsoft does have some fixes if you call tech support...

                        I guess the next best solutions are optimizing your scenes per camera or breaking it up into layers and comping it together.

                        Also you can look at using vrayproxies if you have some hipoly objects.
                        Eric Boer


                        • #13
                          Im the only one in my office that can use the 3gb switch, and that apparently includes our renderfarm.

                          They're always like:hey shane, see if you can render this....haha

                          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                          • #14
                            Thanks guys... what's the deal? Some kind of hardware thing?

                            Yes - ultimately trying to avoid breaking it up - cause it is a big xref mess. Gonna have to build a set of people per view.

                            I proxied the duplicate objects - like streetlamps. Are you telling me it would be worth the time to proxy my entire people library?.... I need an intern.


                            • #15
                              my coworkers are currently finishing up an animation of a HUGE retail district that is a least 7 mil polys. And they turned EVERYTHING in the scene into a vray proxy. Would never have rendered properly without it. Its crazy but those vray proxies are life savers.

                              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."

