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Lens Effects applied to cube 6x1 VRIMG loaded from disk into VFB

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  • Lens Effects applied to cube 6x1 VRIMG loaded from disk into VFB

    Is it possible to apply lens effects to cube 6x1 VRIMGs loaded into the VFB?

    You can definitely apply them to a "standard" camera renders, but I am having zero joy with my vr renders....

    I am running max 2021 with vray next 3.2.

    Anyone got any ideas/experience they can share?

    Set V-Ray class properties en masse with the VMC script
    Follow me for script updates: @ollyspolys

  • #2
    Please refer to this post about the matter.
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Thank you for replying, but this is a separate issue to the linked post.

      I want to be able to load a pre-rendered VRIMG from disk and apply the lens effect as a post effect.

      This works when loading a standard camera render, but not when loading a VRIMG rendered as cube 6x1.

      FWIW, the VRIMGs are rendered in stereo so 18432 x 1536 pixels...

      Hope you can help?
      Set V-Ray class properties en masse with the VMC script
      Follow me for script updates: @ollyspolys


      • #4
        it's probably a memory issue with an image that size, nothing about it being 6x1 would prevent that from working. the vfb and lens effects is just looking for pixels with a value above 1.
        You've not baked in color mapping have you?


        • #5
          No it is straight up linear and the pixel values report as expected - over 1 on light sources etc.

          When you say memory, are we talking ram or vram for this?

          Set V-Ray class properties en masse with the VMC script
          Follow me for script updates: @ollyspolys

