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Export to vrscene causes animation offsets and other issues

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  • Export to vrscene causes animation offsets and other issues

    One of our artists has experienced a weird issue when exporting animation to vrscene that causes animation to become time offset and other strange behavior. This happened even with keys baked to every frame. When rendered straight out of Max this didn't occur. I'm about to start trying to troubleshoot this but would like to know if this sounds like any already known bugs?

  • #2
    Do send the scene together with screencaps illustrating the issue and its reproduction to so we can take a look. Mention this thread in the e-mail along with your V-Ray and host platform versions.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi Aleksandar. I'm the artist mentioned by SonyBoy in the original post here. I sent in a stripped version of the scene as well as additional account info for you to review.

      Edit: The solution was to update to the latest nightly or Vray 5. The cause was unclear, but it was fixed in an update.
      Last edited by sam.demello; 18-11-2020, 01:18 PM.

