I´m not 100% sure whether this is a vray problem or a network issue, but since it´s only happening while using vray´s DR, i´ll post it here:
Distributed rendering of a scene with some textures (correct UNC paths are used!) often leads to (random) buckets with missing textures (Check for missing files in the vray system rollout unchecked) or renderslaves not renderind buckets at all (Check for missing files checked)
This seems to be connected to too many open network connections that aren´t closed properly after accessing the textures. the image below shows a screenshot of the MMC displaying numerous open connections even after a rendering finished. Manually closing all open connections solves the problem, but this isn´t more than a ugly workaround. My theory regarding this is, that Windows XP can handle only a certain amount of open connections at a time which in effect leads to the above problems.
Maybe someone else can try this to confirm that this isn´t a specific problem over here (thanks in advance). The more renderslaves are used the bigger the problem gets, but a scene with 10-12 different textures and 4-5 slaves should be enough the reproduce the issue.
Distributed rendering of a scene with some textures (correct UNC paths are used!) often leads to (random) buckets with missing textures (Check for missing files in the vray system rollout unchecked) or renderslaves not renderind buckets at all (Check for missing files checked)
This seems to be connected to too many open network connections that aren´t closed properly after accessing the textures. the image below shows a screenshot of the MMC displaying numerous open connections even after a rendering finished. Manually closing all open connections solves the problem, but this isn´t more than a ugly workaround. My theory regarding this is, that Windows XP can handle only a certain amount of open connections at a time which in effect leads to the above problems.
Maybe someone else can try this to confirm that this isn´t a specific problem over here (thanks in advance). The more renderslaves are used the bigger the problem gets, but a scene with 10-12 different textures and 4-5 slaves should be enough the reproduce the issue.
