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Displacement with Triplanar

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  • Displacement with Triplanar


    I am having an issue with the displacement when using VRayBitmap and Triplanar.
    Setup is as following. DiffuseMap and Displacment map. Displacement goes to VRayDisplacementMod.
    Both use the same VRayTriplanar for Mapping Source.
    Issue is that the Diffuse map doesn't seem to match the displaced details. When Removing the MappingSource they match up again.
    Latest official V-Ray version, 3dsMax 2021

    Click image for larger version

Name:	displace.jpg
Views:	1902
Size:	802.7 KB
ID:	1097158
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  • #2
    Thanks for the report. This issue is already logged (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-9680) for developer analysis. I'll speak to our dev team to bump its priority additionally.

    EDIT: The issue happens because the displacement is calculated on the original mesh, whereas the triplanar texture is calculated on the displaced mesh. This seems to happen in other render engines as well. We'll investigate for possible solutions.
    Last edited by hermit.crab; 28-12-2020, 02:11 AM.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi, yes I was guessing something like this already. Would be really amazing if it can work with the triplanar. The displacement already works really good itself with the triplanar and you don't see any seems anymore if you put the blend value to some higher amount. Now it would just need to match the diffuse and it would be perfect
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      • #4
        Hi any news with this problem? Its still present in lates V-Ray.


        • #5
          No news? its 8 months old issue?

