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Vray Toon not compensating for Vray Exposure

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  • Vray Toon not compensating for Vray Exposure

    I know the Vray toon effect is pretty old, and possible pre-dates the Vray Exposure control, but the checkbox 'compensate for camera exposure' doesn't seem to work when using Vray Exposure. I have a white toon layer and it's coming out underexposed. If I ramp up exposure it increases the render time

    This scene has GI turned off, so possibly not working as intended, I just need the toon outline and cryptomatte, not shading etc

  • #2
    Seems to work fine from what I tested. Save the images in history and compare them, the results may be only slightly different (depends on the exposure control settings). If there isn't a difference, do attach the scene here or send it via the contact form so we can take a look. Mention this thread in the message.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hmm, you're right, it does work as expected on a fresh scene. I must have something funky going on with my exposure settings.


      • #4
        Ah I see now, checking that checkbox affects the RGB pass, but not the Vray Toon pass. Is this for a good reason? My logic would say that the toon pass should either return the raw colour of the toon effect, or a properly exposed colour, but returning the raw colour if that checkbox is ticked.

        The Toon REelement pass seems to return the colour x the exposure whether that box is ticked or not.


        • #5
          You're right, it does not seem to work for the VRayToon element itself. I've logged an issue (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-10655) for developer analysis. A workaround may be to do a second rendering where the VRayToon effect has a white color and all lights are disabled.
          Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            Thanks for logging. As it happens that project seems to have evaporated for now, but I would like to use that workflow in future.

